New Horizons for the Federation

A Special Message

Dear Friends of the Coast,

As 2023  winds down, I find myself reflecting on not only this year but the last 41. As you may have heard, I will be stepping into a new role at the Federation in 2024, and the highly capable Dr. Braxton Davis will be stepping in as Executive Director.  I am amazed by how impactful the Federation has become and have cherished every day of my work here. From the humble beginning and continuing into the present – the success of the Federation has always been due to the passion, support, and actions of so many diverse and dedicated people who are committed to our mission of – “working together for a healthy coast”. 

Please join me in welcoming Dr. Davis to the Federation family and stay tuned for an exciting year and new era.

Executive Director

– Todd Miller

Creating a Space for Wood Ducks

Last month we were honored to work with students from the Adult Basic Education class at Carteret Community College who built several nesting boxes for Wood Ducks. The group joined us again recently to help us place the boxes in a swamp forest adjacent to our future Center for Coastal Protection and Restoration in Carteret County. Many thanks to the students and  Mr. Ed and Mr. Tom!

Wood Ducks that live in forested wetlands were once overhunted in the 19th century, but thanks to protections, hunting restrictions, and the use of nest boxes this species has rebounded.

A group of students from Carteret Community College pose with the newly installed wood duck nesting box.

NC Fest Supports the Federation

Each year Backstreet Pub in Beaufort hosts an oyster roast fundraiser in support of the Federation and WOW we were blown away by the crowd that came out to enjoy oysters and show their support for us! 

Coastal Education Coordinator Rachel Bisesi works closely with Backstreet to put on this event. “We had a fabulous turnout for NC Fest at Backstreet Pub. The Pub hosted a free oyster roast with live music, and in addition to donating $1 from every Fullsteam Brewery beer, all to benefit the Federation. We’re so grateful for their support and willingness to lead this event for the community!”

A group of people enjoy listening to music at the 2023 NC Fest at Backstreet Pub in Beaufort.

Thank You for Supporting the Coast

The Holiday Season is upon us, and we wanted to take a moment to thank every one of you for your tireless support of the Federation. This year you supported our many projects and gave countless hours of your time volunteering at events up and down the coast. Our impact would be minimal without your support. 

It’s the Final Day of the Giving Season!

There are just two weeks left in 2023- still plenty of time to make a special year-end gift to support the Federation’s efforts to protect and restore the coast. 

Visit to read more about our plans for next year and make your tax-deductible gift by midnight on Dec. 31!

Don’t Miss Out on Gift Memberships

There are just two more days to order gift memberships! Designed to be functional, playful, and minimalist, you won’t find the felt oyster coasters anywhere else. Your gift recipient gets something to unwrap while your dollars go to work protecting our coast.

Orders placed by Dec. 17 will ship before the holidays.

In the News