The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan provides a strategic framework for prevention and removal of marine debris along the North Carolina coast. It inspired strategic coordination and direction for the organizations and communities to address marine debris.
Gain valuable insights into the ecological significance and importance of the unique and productive coastal ecosystems found at oyster farms.
North Carolina Oyster Sanctuaries Growing Coastal Communities 2013–2023
Recently, the Coastal Federation contracted with RTI International to do an independent assessment of the state’s investment in the sanctuary program and its impact on the NC coast. Read the full report.
Economic Impacts of Oyster Sanctuaries: Key Insights (2013–2023)
Recently, the Coastal Federation contracted with RTI International to do an independent assessment of the state’s investment in the sanctuary program and its impact on the NC coast.
State of the Oyster Report 2023
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2023.
South Atlantic Salt Marsh Initiative
To ensure a healthy future for these critical marsh systems, the Coastal Federation is leading a partnership to develop the North Carolina Salt Marsh Action Plan that details a five-year strategy to protect, restore, and allow for the migration of salt marshes in coastal North Carolina so that their existing ecological, economic, and cultural functions are not degraded or lost. 
State of the Oyster Report 2022
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2022.
Learn about the physical processes that create rip currents, the correlation between coastal structures and rip current formation, the interactions between coastal structures and other coastal features, and safe development practices to reduce risks to human safety.
Learn more about the environmental impacts of terminal groins.
living shoreline at new Center
The North Carolina Living Shoreline Steering Committee brings together federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and universities to communicate and collaborate on education and outreach, research, and implementation of living shorelines.
The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan provides a strategic framework for prevention and removal of marine debris along the North Carolina coast. In 2022, it inspired strategic coordination, focus and direction for the organizations and communities that address marine debris on many levels.
Microplastics and Resilient Docks and Piers Report (2022-23)
A monitoring and recommendations report on Microplastics and Resilient Docks and Piers prepared by the North Carolina Coastal Federation
State of the Oyster Report 2021
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2021.
The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan provides a strategic framework for prevention and removal of marine debris along the North Carolina coast. In 2021, it inspired strategic coordination, focus and direction for the organizations and communities that address marine debris on many levels.
The completed Oriental living shoreline
The North Carolina Living Shoreline Steering Committee brings together federal and state agencies, non-governmental organizations and universities to communicate and collaborate on education and outreach, research, and implementation of living shorelines. education and outreach, research, and implementation of living shorelines.
As part of the NOAA grant, a robust stakeholder group comprised of engineers, regulators, and scientists developed recommended standards for the design and construction of residential docks and piers. 
Oyster Blueprint 2021-2025
This fourth edition of the Blueprint identifies eight strategies and corresponding actions needed to rebuild the state’s oyster resources. The work outlined advances strategies toward a shared vision that fosters collaboration among partners, ensuring oysters in North Carolina perpetuate a healthy and robust environment and economy.
Oyster farmer working on oyster lease
This study identified ways to reduce barriers for those interested in becoming active in mariculture, those currently in the industry, and those interested in business expansion.
Action Plan for Nature-based Stormwater Strategies
Strategic and innovative nature-based stormwater strategies are increasingly important as North Carolina faces the need to plan for climate adaption and resiliency. The Action Plan now positions North Carolina to better prepare for, and respond to, future stormwater flooding and water quality degradation.
State of the Oyster Report 2018
This annual State of the Oyster Report, provides a brief overview and highlights the activities and accomplishments of the diverse partners involved in this work for the year 2018.
The federation collects marine debris in Brunswick County
This assessment describes the problem and management of marine debris in North Carolina, including primary types of concern and associated impacts; gaps and challenges in debris management; and a summary of active stakeholders and their perceptions of and contribution to addressing marine debris. The intention of the assessment is to establish the groundwork for developing a strategy that will be implemented through the coordinated work of coastal marine debris stakeholders.
Learn more about microplastics, including what they are, where they come from and the effects they have on the marine environment, water quality and human health.
The Napa Valley of Oysters: Launching a North Carolina Shellfish Initiative
With millions of acres of coastal waters, North Carolina recognizes the importance of shellfish to its economy, cultural heritage and environmental health. The state is on its way to becoming the Napa Valley of Oysters.
North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan
The North Carolina Marine Debris Action Plan includes several tangible steps that need to be taken over the next five years to both prevent and remove marine debris along the coast. The plan was developed by the North Carolina Coastal Federation, N.C. Coastal Reserve, N.C. Division of Coastal Management, N.C. Sea Grant, N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission, Coastal Carolina Riverwatch, and the N.C. Marine Debris Symposium.
Shellfish Mariculture Best Management Practices
The Federation partnered with industry experts from NOAA, North Carolina Sea Grant, and commercial shellfish operations to develop best management practices (BMPs) for the prevention of marine debris from the shellfish mariculture industry. These BMPs provide a guide for new growers and lease applicants to follow to make their best effort in keeping gear on the farm during normal operations as well as in preparation for a storm.
coastal nc
While wetlands can’t protect us from the devastating flooding of a storm like Hurricane Florence, healthy habitats – and good planning – can shield us from some of the worst impacts and can help our communities recover more quickly. The North Carolina Coastal Federation’s Coastal Resilience Initiative strengthens our natural defenses by restoring habitats and protecting our coastal communities.
Living Shoreline
For a quick review of accomplishments, lessons learned, and living shoreline permit categories, check out this presentation on Living Shoreline Permitting in NC.