Gain valuable insights into the ecological significance and importance of the unique and productive coastal ecosystems found at oyster farms.
Oyster Shell Recycling Toolkit
This toolkit includes FAQs about oyster shell recycling, fun facts, signage, social media posts, photos and videos.
The federation collects marine debris in Brunswick County
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Many coastal property owners have a hurricane plan for their family and home, but yards, docks, boats, and construction sites are often forgotten or overlooked. Unsecured boats, water toys, yard furniture, and construction equipment can be damaged - or even blown or washed away - during hurricane events. When unsecured objects enter our waterways, they become marine debris - which pollutes the water and harms marine life.
Smart Yards 2023
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This guide includes simple Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Smart Yard projects to reduce stormwater and improve the health of our coastal waters.
Watch recordings from the 2022 Oyster Habitat Enhancement Managers & Practitioners webinar series.
Stop, Check, Enjoy! A Guide to Safe Fish Consumption
Fish provide many dietary benefits as a source of lean protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and other essential nutrients. However, some types of fish can also be sources of harmful contaminants.
Retail Sources for Coastal NC Native Plants (updated Feb 2022)
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This resource, prepared by partners of the Coastal Landscapes Initiative, will help you find retail nurseries that carry North Carolina coastal native plants.
As part of the NOAA grant, a robust stakeholder group comprised of engineers, regulators, and scientists developed recommended standards for the design and construction of residential docks and piers. 
Atlantic White's Point Living Shoreline
This 3-part training series is presented by the N.C. Coastal Reserve & National Estuarine Research Reserve, the North Carolina Coastal Federation and Sea Grant.
Wanchese Marine Industrial Park Living Shoreline Demonstration
The Federation partnered with the Wanchese Marine Industrial Park to protect 500 feet of shoreline through their living shoreline restoration projects.
The Federation's Living Shoreline Cost-Share Program for Public and Private Property Owners
The North Carolina Coastal Federation has acquired grant funding to help homeowners build living shorelines.
Wolly Goldenaster Photo © Alistar Glen
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Low-impact development (LID) is an economical and effective strategy for protecting and restoring coastal water quality by preventing polluting stormwater runoff. We at the federation work to make it easy to use anywhere.
Action Plan for Nature-based Stormwater Strategies
Strategic and innovative nature-based stormwater strategies are increasingly important as North Carolina faces the need to plan for climate adaption and resiliency. The Action Plan now positions North Carolina to better prepare for, and respond to, future stormwater flooding and water quality degradation.
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies for Roadways
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies are an effective and economical strategy to reduce flooding and improve water quality by mimicking natural water flow to vegetated stormwater infiltration spaces, reducing long-term maintenance costs of conventional stormwater systems.
New Development
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies such as permeable pavement, cisterns and rain gardens promote infiltration and rainwater reuse. These techniques reduce stormwater runoff even on high density development sites.
Stormwater Retrofits - retrofitted
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies are an effective and economical strategy to reduce flooding and improve water quality by disconnecting impervious surfaces and promoting infiltration on site.
Nature-based Stormwater Strategies for Working Lands
Replicating and restoring natural hydrology on farm and forest lands is an effective large scale solution to flooding and water quality.
Cover of the Strategic plan for Shellfish Mariculture
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The Shellfish Mariculture Plan includes an evaluation of best practices in other states and nations, analysis of siting strategies for shellfish mariculture operations and recommendations for improvements to legal protections for mariculture operations, cultch planting and strategies for control of shellfish pests
| Guidebooks
The Watershed Management Planning Guidebook provides detailed guidance on how a community can replicate natural surface water hydrology to improve water quality by determining the stormwater runoff volume of a watershed in various land use scenarios and utilizing Best Management Practices (BMPs) techniques, specifically Low Impact Development (LID), to reduce the total volume of runoff.
Shellfish Mariculture Best Management Practices
The Federation partnered with industry experts from NOAA, North Carolina Sea Grant, and commercial shellfish operations to develop best management practices (BMPs) for the prevention of marine debris from the shellfish mariculture industry. These BMPs provide a guide for new growers and lease applicants to follow to make their best effort in keeping gear on the farm during normal operations as well as in preparation for a storm.
Coastal Center Gardens
Visit us in Wrightsville Beach for a 1-mile walking tour of our stormwater reduction projects and check out the ways we help to keep your local waterways clean.
Erosion Control: Non-Structural Alternatives
This publication is designed to help waterfront property owners evaluate their specific situation and select the remedy that can best protect property and benefit our environment.